Thursday, April 5, 2012

Egg Chicks

Before I tell you about our art today, I want to let you know about an eagle cam that I've been watching. Maybe many of you have been watching it too, or a different one. I watch the Decorah EagleCam, which is in a bald eagle's nest in Iowa. It is amazing! You can see the 3 little eaglets, who are adorable!! They are a very rowdy bunch this year, especially the oldest who loves to leave the little nest cup and make anyone watching hold their breath and worry until he/she is safely back under mom or dad! But it's a wonderful experience. I watched them last year for the first time and I was addicted to it. I often had it on in the background while I did other things. So check it out if you haven't yet. It will make you smile, laugh, worry, and possibly cry!
OK, on with show...
I've seen these adorable chicks made with egg-shaped bodies all over the place, but I first saw them at The Educators' Spin On It. I cut out some egg shapes from different colored construction paper. I also traced the kids' hands and cut those out as well. I cut out long legs from orange paper, and I made some beaks by cutting triangles on the fold of orange paper. The kids first glued the legs onto the egg body.
Then they attached their handprints to the egg with brass fasteners. Most of the children had trouble with this, so I helped. The older ones were able to do it by themselves, though.
Then they used makers to draw eyes. Wiggle eyes would work too, but I thought if the kids drew them it would give their chicks some personality!
And finally, they glued on the beak.
They turned out pretty cute and the kids begged me to let them take these guys home. I'm always hanging their art up, which sometimes makes them sad. So I gave in and sent these chicks home with them. But not before snapping some pictures for you all!


Anonymous said...

Hi there! Loved allllllllllll your crafts and wished I had found your blog sooner! Now I am better equipped for Art and Craft lessons for my kids at school!:) I'm a preschool teacher too btw!;)

Happy Good Friday!

God bless,

Betsy said...

Aw, what a sweet comment! This is exactly why I have a blog -- to share!! Thank you!