
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Holiday Gifts

Here is a quick post to share what my kids made for their parents for Christmas. For dads, they painted a small paper plate (with the middle cut out) with green paint,
and then glued on red tri-beads.
When it was dry, I added a ribbon for hanging, a bow, and their picture in the middle.
Quick share: One girl found in the scrap bucket the circles that I cut out of the paper plates and she made a snowman, all by herself. So cute!
For the moms, the kids painted baby food jars with watered-down glue and stuck tissue paper squares all over it, then added another layer of glue.

Then they sprinkled glitter on top of the tissue paper. (Very similar to how we made our stained glass ornaments.)
I put a tea light candle inside and wrapped them up.
My kids also made holiday cards for the residents of a nearby nursing home. I asked parents to bring in old or unused cards (you know, those free ones you tend to get in the mail) and the kids cut them up to make new cards.

On the back I stuck on little labels saying who they were from.
(Having a little fun with Picnik!)

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend!

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