
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Class Display

I finally finished this year's holiday display. I actually finished it just in time for our party on Friday, but I'm just now getting around to blogging about it. It all started when I saw these extra big candy canes at Shopko.
I thought of the Grinch, where he takes all the Whos' candy canes when they are asleep in the bed. So I waited until nap time and put the big candy cane next to a sleeping child and took a picture.
Then I found these holiday note cards that my sister gave me years ago.
I thought if I just cut out the middle and put the picture behind the card, it would look kind of like we were peeking in on sleeping children (while visions of sugar plums danced in their heads!). So I did just that and it worked perfectly.
I wrote out, "The children were nestled all snug in their beds..." and put the pictures all over. I also hung up their glittery candy canes to add some sparkle.

I purposely put the letters a little crooked because there was no way I would be able to get them straight no matter how hard I tried. But I think they look cute that way. The parents and other teachers had fun guessing which kids were really sleeping and which ones were faking. (Yes, sadly, I had to pose a few because they were non-nappers!)

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