
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Rock Frogs

Continuing with our Pond theme, we learned about frogs yesterday. My favorite! I got the idea for our craft from Ziggity Zoom but I didn't bother making the crowns. I also enlarged it a bit so the kids could use bigger rocks. First we gathered our rocks. The kids were very excited about this. Usually they are told not to touch the rocks (they are for landscaping), so when I told everyone to pick out one rock for art, they kind of hesitated. It was funny! Once they got the perfect rock (I didn't tell them what it was for yet), they painted them any way they wanted. I told them to make the flattest side the bottom so it would sit right.
When they were dry, I told them we were going to turn the rocks into frogs! I had cut out a bunch of legs from the template, in a variety of colors. I changed the back feet a little to make them look webbed and I just used construction paper instead of craft foam.
The kids picked out which body they wanted and, using a glue dot, they attached their rock to it. Then they used glue dots to attach eyes to their rock. And a frog was born.
I think it would be cute to attach little pom poms to the rock and then put the eyes on the pom poms, but this worked well, too.

Fun Fact: A group of frogs is called an army!

1 comment:

  1. So cute!! I love them. We saw four bull frogs this morning. We heard the chorus of them while walked close to the pond and then they were all right there and were huge. Love this craft!!


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