
Friday, April 13, 2012

Chick in an Egg

Here is my last chick craft, I promise! I've seen these around the web, so when my boss walked in my room with a bag full of egg cartons and asked if I could use them for anything, I said Yes! I cut them apart and taped two together. One piece of tape went on the outside:
And one piece went on the inside:
Yesterday the kids painted the outsides with white paint.
Although, I don't really know how necessary that was because once the paint dried you could hardly tell it had been painted. Anyway, today we put wiggle eyes and beaks on medium-sized pom poms. The kids used a toothpick to apply the glue.

They put them on the top of the pom pom so the glue wouldn't run down, causing them to slide off.
Since there was nowhere to write their names, I let them dry on a piece of paper with the names under them.
Once the glue was dry, we plopped them in the egg!

I had planned on putting a drop of glue at the bottom so the pom pom wouldn't fall out, but the kids didn't want me to. They wanted to be able to take the chick out to play with it. Fine with me! They look so cute peeking out!

**Linking up to Show-n-Share Saturday!**


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