
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Cat in the Hat's Thing One and Thing Two

I found this adorable craft here and tried to copy it today. *Tried.* I have 15 kids, all by myself, and this morning was just too crazy to get two hand prints from everyone. Especially when the hands had to be positioned just so. I did two kids and I was done. So then I decided to trace their hands.
For the top hand, I left off the thumb. For the bottom hand, the middle three fingers were together, but I didn't trace around the middle finger. The thumb and pinky were spread apart from the other fingers. Then at the art table, the kids traced the lines and colored them in. They also drew in a face.
I cut out white circles and wrote THING on them.
The kids wrote either a 1 or a 2 and glued it to the belly.
This was so much easier for me and they still turned out cute! Plus, each one looks a little different this way.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea!! I am passing on the Sunshine Award to you, Betsy.You can get more details at Thank you for all the amazing ideas and inspiration!


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