
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Jolly Little Elves

So I got this idea from somewhere on the web, but I can't seem to find it again. (I know, it's time for me to get on the Pinterest train, right?) I'll keep looking for it, but for now I'll share what we made yesterday because it's slightly different than my inspiration. First I took pictures of the kids making silly faces, then printed them out (5x7 again). I cut out rectangles, shoes, mittens, hats and long strips of construction paper. I accordion-folded the long strips. I also put out some pom poms.

The kids started by gluing the paper strips to the rectangle for arms and legs. Then they glued mittens and shoes on.
I used a stencil for the mittens,
but drew the shoes freehand.
Then they took the hat (which I also drew freehand and I shouldn't have because it turned out terrible, but what can you do when you are in a rush?) and glued on two triangles that were curled on one point. That was supposed to make the hats more elfish, but not all the kids wanted them on.
The kids could also glue on pom poms to the body and hat if they wanted. Then they glued the hat on the picture of their head, and glued their head to the body.

Then they glued mini jingle bells to the tips of the shoes.
Are you ready for the whole picture? This is sooooo cute!

You sure you're ready?!

Told ya! I wanted to hang them from the ceiling, but we have low ceilings and they would have gotten in the way, so I hung them all over the room on different walls.

Everyone loves them!

UPDATE!!!! I found it! I got the idea from Mrs. Morrow's Kingergarten.
**Linking up to The Imagination Tree, Crafty Moms Share, and The Sunday Showcase!**


  1. these are ADORABLE! Thanks for sharing on the Sunday Showcase - will be doing these next year!

  2. So adorable, Betsy!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday! I hope you had a wonderful holiday!!

  3. These are so dang cute!! Love how you put the children's faces in them.


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