
Monday, August 18, 2014

Peeking Red-Eyed Tree Frogs

I've done a lot of frog crafts over the years, but when we had our Jungle unit I decided I wanted to do something new. I did countless Google and Pinterest searches for frog crafts and there was one I saw that stuck in my mind. Unfortunately, after deciding to do that one, I could not find it again! I really wish I could give credit to my inspiration because it is a cute craft! I used the frog template from my hopping frog craft, but crossed off the body because we didn't need it. The kids painted the head of the frog green. (I mixed yellow and green paint to make a bright green color.) And they painted the two circles (the eyes) red.
When they were dry I cut them out and used a Sharpie to add black slits to the eyes. The kids glued the eyes on their frog, then glued their frog head to a leaf I had cut from green construction paper.

Then they glued orange frog feet to the leaf on the side of the head. These are the frog's front feet.
The idea is to make it look like the frog is peeking over the top of the leaf, with the rest of the body behind the leaf. For the most part, though, it just looked like a frog head with a leaf body. Oh well! Still cute!
 The kids also colored in a smile and nose and some other facial features.
I hung them above our jungle wall. (To see my dramatic play jungle from past years, read this post.)

Oops! Looks like a poison dart frog snuck in with our red-eyed tree frogs! ;o)
I also had the kids marble paint using orange, green and brown paint.
Then I cut out letters from the marbled paper to spell Welcome to the Jungle.
If you've seen this craft before, please let me know where. I'd love to give credit to that person!

Fun Fact: Red-eyed tree frogs can change color for many reasons, from a dark green to a reddish-brown.

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