
Monday, August 4, 2014

Giant Dinosaurs

We did a Dinosaur unit a couple weeks ago. It's one of my favorite themes. Since I have a small class this summer, I decided to draw huge dinosaurs for them to color and decorate. I made a T-Rex and a Brachiosaurus (or a Diplodocus or any other "long neck" sauropod dinosaur). I drew them by hand and didn't let my perfectionism get in the way! I actually only drew one of each by hand. The big white paper I used was very thin so I could see through it and was able to trace the others. I rolled the paper up beforehand and when I passed them out to the kids I said, "You get what you get, and you don't throw a fit." They didn't see what they got until they unrolled them! We had to go into another classroom to use their hard floor since coloring on carpet was sure to put a hole in the paper and we wouldn't have had enough room on our tables. The kids unrolled their papers and got to work decorating them!

When they were done, they added big wiggle eyes. During nap I cut them all out and displayed them in the hallway. I also wrote down the names of the dinosaurs using the kids' names. For example, the dinosaur that Liam made was a Liamosaurus.
And Sam's was a Samosaurus Rex.
Her dinosaur had a lovely hat on its head! They turned out great and the kids loved coloring such a big piece of paper.

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