
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thankful Turkeys {Class Display}

I love how our craft turned out today! I was originally thinking of having the kids make some sort of turkey craft and then I'd write what they are thankful for on the feathers. But then it hit me -- why not have the kids turn themselves into turkeys?! So I took a picture of each child striking a "turkey pose."
Oh, it was cute! Then I put out different colored paint and some sponges. The kids made sponge paintings on white construction paper.
All I had were shape sponges, so I reminded the kids to make a whole bunch and overlap the prints so you couldn't see the shapes.
When they were dry, I traced a "feather" pattern onto their paper as many times as I could.
I cut out the feathers and their pictures and the kids glued their feathers to the back of their picture.
I realized that these turkeys needed beaks! So I made some super quick and the kids glued them over their nose and mouth.
I still thought they were missing something, so finally we added feet! And I wrote what the kids were thankful for on the feathers.
I printed out the words, "I am thankful for..." and displayed the turkeys around it.
Here's an updated picture after more of my students made them:
I just love them!

Ahhh! So cute, right?

**Linking up to the parties on my sidebar!**


  1. PRECIOUS!!! A gobbling of love project!

  2. Oh, these are wonderful!! I love them!! Thank you so much for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  3. These are great! So cute! Are the photos 4x6 size? They look big. Maybe 5x7? I am going to try these with my preschoolers tomorrow! Thanks! Your ideas are wonderful!

  4. Kelly Ann, I believe they are 4x6, but any size would work. Thanks for your nice comment!


Thanks for taking the time to write! Every single comment makes me smile!