
Monday, February 27, 2012

One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

We started our Dr. Seuss unit today! Each day we will do a craft to go along with one of his books. So today we did a fish craft, even though One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish is really only about fish at the beginning. Oh well! We did bubble wrap painting, which is an oldie but a goodie, right? So the kids first painted bubble wrap,
then gently pressed it onto a white piece of paper,
 then peeled it off.
When it was dry, I took a fish template I had and traced it onto the paper and cut it out. Then the kids added a big wiggle eye.

I probably could have drawn the fish before the kids painted, but this worked fine. At the end of the day, the kids painted a huge piece of paper.
When it dried I added the fish, a sandy bottom and some seaweed!

I asked kids to bring in Dr. Seuss books this week and I was surprised that some brought in ones I haven't read before!
It was a nice change!


  1. These came beautiful! I just pinned them! I haven't tried bubble wrap painting yet, but I think I'll give this a try to go along with the book Rainbow Fish.

    Criss-Cross Applesauce

  2. Love the colorful fish! I haven't heard of those books either. You'll have to tell us about them after reading them. :)


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