We are learning how our bodies work this week. Yesterday we learned all about the brain! Here is an idea that other teachers might want to use in their classrooms. I traced one child's body from his head to his upper legs and I hung it on the wall near our circle time area.
Then I found some coloring pages of a brain, heart, lungs, and stomach and intestines.
(UPDATE: Although I can't find the site for the coloring sheets I used, this site has some good ones to choose from!)
I photocopied them onto brightly colored paper and laminated them.
Every morning this week, I pick four kids to put them in the correct place on the traced body.
A few times in the past I've traced every child's body and hung the tracings on the walls around the room. Then each day the kids would color the organ we were learning about and tape it onto their body! They really enjoyed making their bodies "come to life." I kind of regret not doing that again this year. Oh well, there's always next year!
Please direct me to the coloring pages you used. I love how you used colored paper for the brain, lungs, stomach, and heart.
I added a website link to my post where you can find similar coloring pages. Just look for the updated part. Hope it helps!