
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hoppin' Frogs

Today's color was green and I taught about frogs. But not just any frogs. Red-eyed tree frogs. My favorite. animal. ever. Since I love frogs, I've done many froggy crafts over the years. But this time I decided to do something new. So I searched the internet and found this. First I drew a frog. Well, half of a frog on a folded piece of paper. Then I cut it out and opened the paper and traced that frog onto another piece of paper.
The circles on the bottom are the eyes. Then the kids painted the frogs, and of course I put out a bunch of colors.
In the afternoon when they were dry, I put out strips of accordion-folded paper and some frog feet.
The kids glued on the legs, feet, and eyes. Here's how they turned out.
When I hung them on the wall, it looked like they were hopping!

They turned out better than I thought they would!

Fun Fact: Red-eyed tree frogs rest with their legs pulled in tight and their eyes closed. When a predator approaches, the frog opens its eyes and puts its legs out, revealing a bunch of color which startles the predator.

**I linked up to Show-and-Share Saturday,  The Sunday Showcase and ABC'S Blog Hop!**


  1. what a fun craft! I love that they are so colorful and lively looking.

    Would love to invite you over to my weekly child centered linky party - The Sunday Showcase to share your idea.

    You can link up here -


  2. Thanks for the invite, Bernadette! I'm on my way over to check it out!

  3. Oh I like these!

  4. I would love to invite you to share your colorful frogs in my Frog ABC'S (Activities, Books, Crafts and Snacks) Blog Hop.

    You can find it here:

    I hope you will link up with us!


Thanks for taking the time to write! Every single comment makes me smile!