
Thursday, April 13, 2017

Silhouette Bunny Art

Here's a fun and easy Easter project for the kids to do! Cut out a bunny shape and tape it to white paper. Use Do-a-Dot markers to stamp around the bunny, making sure to overlap onto the bunny's edges. Feel free to add some dots "floating free" around the bunny as well.
Peel off the black bunny and you are left with a beautiful bunny silhouette!
I only taped the black paper in two spots so it would be easy to take off, but that means some of the ink got under it. Maybe using a thicker paper would help. I used black construction paper and white cardstock paper. When I had some kids do this project I had to remind them to make dots all around the bunny shape so you can see an outline when you take the black paper away.

They did a good job, but I helped them fill it in a little.

Quick and cute!